Tuesday, April 22, 2008

what a day...

this is putting it mildly...I should say what a past three days.

My patience, tight jaw, short temper, gentleness, compassion, creative four letter words have all been to a major test. All is well with Grandma in that she had her surgery and hopefully will stick to the plans the doctors have for her without too much drama. But forget the part of this that I thought would be crazy to the real crazy part...whats with Harborview Hospital (or as Charley calls it Harborzoo)...I think his name for it is a bit more correct.

What's with the random people eating my left over food! If I knew that would happen, I would have left more of it and not use so much tabasco! This "garbage" food was snapped up quicker than if it was left outside for the crows. I feel really bad for these people, but sadly it was one of the highlights of my day as I'm talking to Sheri and describing what was currently happening to my last two bites of cheeseburger!

What a day and I'll be back there again in a couple of days...perhaps I won't eat anything?


The Wife said...

My brave and kind-hearted momma! I love you and I love how good you are.

Sheri Nugent said...

You have taken more than one for the team. Thank you.