Saturday, April 19, 2008


okay, so I'm a little late at joining the party. By a bit of presure and feeling a bit left out, I now after a couple cups of coffee, finishing a book and sitting on my front porch listening to the birds, have decided to "blog."

What a day this is starting out. My Taylor is again moving out. I'm so proud of her is so many ways and so happy that her and Dave are happy and adventuring out. Last time she "moved" was in August to London and I cried and once again. My poor children who have put up with me on this issue. It took me a year and a half to quit crying on Sundays when I dropped Morgan back off at school and that was just and UofW!!! I love my girls so much.

So off to make Taylor her favorite breakfast burito and packing the car to help her move.


Sheri Nugent said...

I am so proud of you!!!! Blogging like a big girl! Yaahoo!!!!!

Taylor said...

As I've said before, welcome to the blogosphere Mommy!

Taylor said...

Um, you do realize blogging means you write more than once....right?