Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Irish Maggie

Tonight I'm having happy hour, which is one of my favorite social outlets, with my core group...Maggie and Ellie. Maggie is really having a hard time with Marty and it makes me so very sad. She is able to break away tonight due to Marty's brother coming to town yesterday and his goal is to try to talk Marty into taking his meds and realize there are some medical issues that really need to be addressed.

Watching first hand his behavior is startling and disturbing. How quickly his mind is slipping somewhere. Maggie can leave the house now for only about two hours and then must quickly get back to check up on him. I see the toll its playing on her already and her health is currently very good, but she is turning 70 next month.

My Maggie, who always sends a prayer to my family, who can drink me under the table, who always can get by with her "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" at any time, who always has a story...my heart goes out to you at this very trying time.

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