Thursday, October 9, 2008


We ventured to the meat and fish market yesterday. I've seen a lot in SFO and even in Seattle at the Asian market, but it doesn't compare to the one in Athens.

Taylor would be currently in food therophy as I think I will be soon....can you imagine a tray full of either goat or lamb heads. These are skinned with keeping eye balls. Oh my god! And the fish, couldn't be any smellier. We have lots of pictures to share on this subject.

Athens is a very dirty city. They are working on restoring the ruins but down town there are many ghetto neighborhoods. At one time, we got ourselves in an area that a policeman had to escort us out of and as he said in Greek..."quickly".

Must go, but will share more later..

1 comment:

Sheri Nugent said...

Yea!!! Blogging from Greece. How FUN! Keep telling us every detail!