Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post Glowing

I know I've said this before, but I can't describe what it means to me to Morgan and Taylor's mom.

It is almost like a physical ache or expansion of the heart (sort of like the Grinch) that seems to want to bust out! Today I read blog stories from both of them that make me so obnoxiously proud to be their mom and part of their lives, that I can't put it into the correct words to describe what joy these girls bring me yesterday and every day.

Sheri and I talk all the time about what amazing adults they are. We are not biased, just very realistic.

I never did glow being pregnant with either of the girls and always felt I missed out on something. I have been making up for that now because I have been glowing for a lot of years and really shining today!

1 comment:

Sheri Nugent said...

Me too! They have brought me to tears of joy today!