Monday, November 2, 2009

Christmas Adulthood

So my girls have been acknowledged to the world of adulthood.

Last night, Mike and Jimmy called me to let me know they have decided to invite both the girls (and their boys) to the infamous Christmas Party.

As the girls grew up...they longed to just sneak a peak at what was going on next door at the Christmas Party. No emergency was big enough to justify a quick visit and a quick peak. Now they are going to get an invitation in the mail instead of the traditional Santa letter Mike would send them. This should not be taken lightly... its an honor. I can't remember ever, any "off-spring" being included in this event.

Girls feel honored! And what fun to shop for the ornament exchange! Its always been one of my holiday highlights and I love it now that it will be shared with you!

Funny how grown up you guys are now....but still get presents from Santa!! Go figure?


Sheri Nugent said...

Awww... that's so cool! That party just got ten times funner.

Love the new blog lay-out! So bright and fresh!

Taylor said...

Love the new template and I am VERY honored for the invite!