Saturday, May 10, 2008

New Friends

so last night I met up with Sheri on my cute main street in Burien with her boss and his wife. I am so glad I did. Not only was the wine great and the 909 is very cute and cozy, but the best thing about it is that her boss is on my team!

He expressed a couple of times that he wants Sister to consider moving up here at some point and work at the desk across the aisle from him! We love the new changes of her job which includes the fabulous benefit of flying up whenever we have a party but it will be amazing to have once again as my neighbor!

So look out, I'm going to start getting fliers from homes once again that I think would be appropriate for her and her farm.

Love It!!!

1 comment:

Sheri Nugent said...

It will all come to pass one day, I know. Thanks for wanting me here.