Saturday, January 9, 2010

Precious...would you smell the moose?

So yesterday I'm working in the Red Carpet Club and this very nice looking woman about 35 or so, nicely dressed, pretty hair...basically a put together gal, comes up to me and asked me if I would "smell her". What????

I'm sure the look of panic and confusion was all over my face. She apologized quickly and explained that she was taking some sort of herbal medical treatment and the doctor? or whatever said with this treatment might have a side effect was that she could radiate a smell of some sort..garlic whatever. So she fluffs her hair, spins around and holds up her arms for me to smell. Nothing. I told her I smell her shampoo, but she doesn't smell bad to me. She's worried her seat partner on the airplane will be offended. Apparently she also asked the hotel and the taxi driver the same question and they both said yes that they wondered what that smell was! Something like bad garlic, fish etc. Well I smelled nothing and reassured her...because what's she going to do about it at this time.

Does this remind you of smelling the "moose"?


Sheri Nugent said...

Yes! That poor woman. I feel her. What's so horrible is that you rely on other people to tell you when something smells funky. Yet, if they tell you the truth (if the truth is bad news), then it makes you paranoid about everything! Smell the moose! Smell the closet! Smell everything!

At the other end of the spectrum, Susan has the nose that knows. She smelled a gas leak in her backyard. Called the city. No one else smelled it and they refused to acknowledge the problem. She kept calling repair people until someone else showed up who COULD smell it. They dug a trench in her back yard and sure enough - the pipe from 1935 was totally rotted and leaking gas like crazy.

Of course, in Susan's case, her smell is so powerful, she is easily grossed out by dog or cat poo, throw-up and other assorted pet smells. So she can only snuggle with a fish. I'll take my problem over hers.

Great customer service in that Red Carpet room. Look for a nice letter from that customer thanking you for smelling her.

Taylor said...

That's awesome!