Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This Time Last Year

I'm feeling very sorry for myself today. Laying on the couch, taking cold tablets and sneezing every now and then. Not fare, I had a cold not two months ago and don't deserve it again yet!

But, having this time by myself, lets my mind wonder to this time last year. We were reading out loud from Danielle Steel's "Coming Out". Laughing, talking and crying as we watched Grammy in her hospital bed. Rotating the book so there wouldn't be any quite space. Leaving to give updates to my sister and brother, while waiting for Denny and his family to get here. Dave, Charley and Tyler have just left to get back home so that they don't have to drive too late over the pass. My daughters and myself in the only hospital room without whispers as we continue to read and chuckle.

I took Mom with me to work on Sunday and I'll have her travel with me tomorrow as well. Its so nice to take her on field trips.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll finally be able to go through her boxes? We'll see.

1 comment:

Sheri Nugent said...

It is a strange and sad time. Still seems quite unreal. The boxes can wait until you are ready to open them. Please take care of yourself. I'm so sorry about your cold.