Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oscar Nominations

Last night we went to see yet another one of the Oscar Best Picture nominations. I know we are late as we all try to see them before the actual Oscar event, but this has been a very busy year so far.

We went to see the Reader. Great movie and Charley loved the nude scenes as every guy will love seeing adorable Kate Winslet. But besides this issue, the movie was really touching and I understand why she won the award.

Now I still have two more to go. Doubt which is still playing in limited theaters and the Wrestler, which I really don't have any interest in seeing. I still want to imagine the old Mickey Rourke when he was in 9 1/2 Weeks. Now that was a movie! I just ordered it at Blockbuster to see if it still has the effect it did on me way back when. If so, I'm restocking my refridgerator.

But back to the Reader....also it doesn't hurt to see any movie in the most fantastic theater around...Lincoln Square. Nothing beats the leather, rocking, recliner seats. Perfect.

1 comment:

Sheri Nugent said...

I am so behind! Glad Reader is good. I love Kate W.lizzi